Today we went to the Fair. Carson got to ride a pony, which he LOVED! We saw cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses. It was really hot so we left around 2!
Wednesday's Tradition
Watching the Garbage Man
Emma is 10 Months Old!
(Pictures taken on Monday, 21st)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
We are still here! April was a busy month for us. We went up to Portland twice. The kids stayed at my parents house for 2 weeks while Josh and I got a nice, long break! Emma is sitting and crawling now. She is now 10 months old! Cooper is crazy as always. Carson is full of questions! It is really getting hot here, which sucks. The boys can only play outside for a little bit at a time. Last weekend my parents visited us. We went to a baseball game and Six Flags. The kids had so much fun! Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know all is going well!